For businesses owners who have Ordering App/Website
If not enough orders are received

We can help

Ordering App/Website are struggling

Many businesses say they do not have enough orders. And it is reported that 80% restaurant apps have failed.ref. 1 and 2

Win Over Your Competitors

We will help you find your niche – what makes you unique. Being a bit better than your competitors brings you greater rewards.

Profitable Marketing Strategies

. 5% rewards to loyal customers
. Register and get £3 credits
. Make a GOOD offer on one item
. 5% discount on future order
. Receipt Marketing (option)
. Birthday Offer (option)
. Happy Hours (option)
. 5% discount on cash payment
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. Fixing Customer Service with Voucher
. Win Back Lost Customers with Voucher
  It has superiority over other marketing
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How we guarantee success?

Customer experience is the new marketing battlefront.

💚 Your Quality Food
You don't have to be perfect – just good enough. But it is perfect for keeping for keeping food fresh and warm during service.

💚 Food Ordering Convenience
Being online is convenient for customers. However, convenience is not a good reason to let anyone buy from you.

💜 Marketing Strategies
By using right tools and strategies, we can attract and entice customers at different level of marketing, when you need.

💜 Ongoing Marketing Channel
The most effective ways to encourage repeat ordering is to find compelling ways to engage with customers after their purchase.

Service Fee 2.8%

Start Fee £100
You have chance to win £100

If you got 100 customer email address on your website
If you agree strategies to enhance customer experience
You need to begin leaflet marketing at least 6 months
At the same time, we will work on retention marketing for you.
We will reward you £100
By using Leaflet & Retention Marketing, you will gradually gain momentum.

You don't pay what we say, you will pay after you've received orders. Again, by being just a bit better than your competitors in many different areas, you will achieve ultimate superiority.

Success-Failure Analysis

If you live in a small village, we can not guarantee your success.
If you're willing to use our website, but not marketing strategies, we can not guarantee your success.

If you had many orders before,
if other shop in your aera have many orders,
if you have many online orders from Just Eat/Uber Eats/Deliveroo,

We can help you win.

You don't have to be an expert, even you don't need to understand theories and concept above. Only, you take orders from website, and we help you in every step of the processs.

There are a variety of reasons a business might fail, but if you always put the customer first, success will be yours.

0044 7531 989808